Artist name:

Kosi Tides 


Leeds, UK

How would you describe your sound?

Alternative rap 

Could you tell us a bit about when and how you got started? 

I started rapping at 17, Swish had been making music for a couple years & I was looking to get into it – [we] ended up forming a group as both our ideologies & inspirations aligned. 

First music / artist that inspired you: 

I would say what really inspired me and shifted my focus was hearing Indigoism by The Underachievers – the way they were rapping with the content provided was something I hadn’t heard before and at that time I was soaking up inspiration heavy, so it played a big part.  

What are some tracks from the past year that you find yourself returning to?

 I’ve recently found a group called Sad Night Dynamite & find their sound extremely wavey, I was on shrooms and I came across ‘Killshot’ & it blew my mind… the irony lol. A track called ‘Sincerely Face’ by Babyface Ray has been on repeat – the beat’s crazy. ‘Neck & Wrist’ by PUSHA T, ‘Forever Foolish’ by Rx Fella, ‘Seeing Visions’ by Boldy James – I could do this forever…

The one tune you’ve got on repeat right now is…?

 ‘Love Who’ by ICYTWAT for sure.

Given the times we’re currently in, what keeps you inspired and motivated? 

Other artists & producers, if there’s good music I’ll always be inspired, & if there’s good beats I’ll always have something to say. 

One piece of advice you’d give to budding musicians / those interesting in persuading music / the arts: 

Be yourself, it’s the easiest and most profitable thing to do.

Lastly, any new projects you’re currently working on that we can look forward to this year? 

Certainly, I can’t give any info on The Northaze just yet but I’ll be dropping in colder conditions…